Department of Information Systems (DIS) was established in 1995 at the same time as the establishment of the Faculty of Information Technology, VNU University of Science (previously named University of Natural Sciences). Now, DIS has a team of staff experienced in both teaching and scientific researching, including 6 Associate Professors, 5 Doctors, 6 Masters, and several excellent students working as teaching assistanDr. Most of the staff in DIS got the PhD degree at advanced institutes and universities in foreign countries, such as France, Japan and South Korea. In addition, DIS has many professors and lecturers, at advanced schools and institutes abroad, who participate as part-time lecturers.
During 20 years of development since the establishment, the Department received 4 certificates of merit and 9 emulation titles of VNU President. The staff of the Department received the title of Meritorious Teacher (i.e., Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hà Quang Thụy, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lê Minh Khanh), Third-Class Labor Medals (i.e., Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hà Quang Thụy, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lê Minh Khanh), 02 Merit of the Prime Minister, 01 title of IT Golden Globe, 05 Certificates of Minister of Education and Training, 05 Certificates and Honors of Hanoi, 16 Certificates of Merit from VNU President.

Cựu giảng viên

The Department of Information Systems is responsible for developing Information System majors in the Faculty of Information Technology(FIT), including bachelors, masters, and doctoral levels. Lecturers of the Department have participated in developing the programs, course outlines, text books, and teaching many fundamental subjects of Information Technology. The Information System programs as well as their cousers are designed following the Standard Orientation of ACM organization. Currently, the Department is mainly responsible for the design and training:
• Bachelor program of Information Systems (following ACM/AIS 2010 orientation)
• Master program of Information Systems
• Doctoral Program in Information Systems
Since 2013, these programs have been updated with new trends in the Information Systems, keeping pace with the corresponding training programs at famous universities in the world (such as such as Carnegie Mellon University – USA, National University of Singapore, …).
The department is responsible for teaching a large number of undergraduate subjects (i.e., 29 subjects) for Information Technology major. For graduate programs, the Department is mainly responsible for Information System programs with 42 specialized subjects. In addition, the Department currently teaches about 8 topics for PhD students.
Over 20 years of development, the Department of Information Systems has over 900 bachelors of science, 300 Masters and 15 PhDs.
1. Advanced database (Cơ sở dữ liệu nâng cao), Nguyễn Tuệ, Nguyễn Hải Châu, Nguyễn Ngọc Hóa, ĐHQGHN, 2015.
2. Advanced Linux programming (Lập trình Linux nâng cao), Nguyễn Trí Thành, ĐHQGHN, 2014.
3. Data mining (Khai phá dữ liệu), Nguyễn Hà Nam, Hà Quang Thụy, Nguyễn Trí Thành, ĐHQGHN, 2013.
4. Unix-Linux operating systems (Hệ điều hành Unix Linux), Hà Quang Thụy, Nguyễn Trí Thành, NXB Giáo dục, 2009.
5. Text/web mining (Khai phá dữ liệu Text/Web), Hà Quang Thụy, Phan Xuân Hiếu, Đoàn Sơn, Nguyễn Trí Thành, Nguyễn Thu Trang, Nguyễn Cẩm Tú, ĐHQGHN, 2009
6. Fundamentals of Operating systems (Nguyên lý Hệ điều hành), Hà Quang Thụy, NXB Khoa học kỹ thuật, 2008.
7. Information Security (An toàn thông tin), Trịnh Nhật Tiến (sắp xuất bản)
8. Fundamentals of information Systems (Cơ sở hệ thống thông tin), Hà Quang Thuỵ, Nguyễn Ngọc Hoá
The Department’s research and technology include four main directions: Knowledge and data mining technology, Database and Geographic Information System (GIS), Science of services, and Information security.
The department has completed over 50 research projects, published over 250 scientific papers (10 ISI, and 60 Scopus journals). The department also cooperates with the Knowledge Technology Laboratory (KTLab) and many overseas universities/research institutes, such as the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST); Tohoku University (Japan); Japan National Institute of Informatics (NII); Life analytical research center (LARC) in Singapore Management University; School of Higher Technology, Quebec University (Canada), etc.
Knowledge technology and data mining
• Text/web mining
o Classification application
o Clustering application
o Feature selection
o Hidden topic modeling
o Information extract
o Information retrieval
o Association rule mining
o Fuzzy set, rough set application
• Business process mining
o Business process discovery
o Business process abstraction
o Business model conformance checking
o Apspect mining
• Application of machine learning methods and models
o Feature learning: feature extraction, data dimension reduction
o Basic ensemble learning: random forest, boosting
o Deep learning: self-coding network, limited Boltzmann machine, deep architecture
o Graph models: hidden Markov model, patterned Randomized Field (CRF) model
o Neural network: RBF network
• Khai phá dữ liệu hướng lĩnh vực
o Khai phá dữ liệu văn bản y sinh
o Khai phá dữ liệu chuỗi thời gian
o Khai phá dữ liệu gen
o Khai phá dữ liệu ảnh vệ tinh
• Domain driven data mining
o Biomedical document data mining
o Time series data mining
o Genetic data mining
o Satellite image data mining
Database and geographical information system (GIS)
• Hệ thống thông tin địa lý – GIS
o Bản đồ số, dịch vụ dựa trên GIS
o Trực quan hoá dữ liệu trên nền bản đồ số
o Xử lý, khai thác ảnh vệ tinh
o Giám sát hiện trường
• Database
o Query processing optimization
o Spatial / temporal data modeling
o No-SQL database, NewSQL database, in–memory database, specialized data model, …
o Data visualization
o Data warehouse
o Large scale data modeling, processing and storage
• Geographical information system – GIS
o Digital maps, services based on GIS (location based services)
o Data visualization on a digital map
o Processing and exploiting satellite images
o Field surveillance
Science of services
• Science of services
o Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
o Web services
o Customer relationship management (CRM), Enterprise resource planing (ERP) systems
o Business Intelligence
• Smart systems integration
o Data integration, function and system integration
o Context based services
• Application information systems
o Management information system
o Health information system
o Traffic information system
Information protection and security
• Cryptography
o Cryptography and steganography algorithms
o Digital signature, digital certificate
o PKI public key infrastructure
o Electronic government, electronic cash, electronic voting, etc.
• Biometric authentication
o Identifying biometric characteristics: fingerprint, face, iris
o Fingerprint, face, and iris authentication models
o Electronic passport / biometric
• Digital law
o Hide/detect hidden information in multimedia data
o Watermarking and copyright protection
• Service safety
o Detect security vulnerabilities in services
o Ensure service security in data centers
1. KC.01.02 06-10, Research and develop a content filtering system that supports the management and security of information on the Internet, 2007-2010.
2. KC01.01/06-10, Develop fundamental tools for Vietnamese language and speech processing (VLSP), 2007-2009.
3. KC.01.TN11/11-15, A 360o video system on online maps for some main streets of Hanoi , 2012.
4. KC.03.26/11-15, Nghiên cứu xây dựng phần mềm công cụ để phát triển các ứng dụng thu thập và xử lý số liệu trong các hệ thống giám sát tập trung, 2014-2015.
5. Đề tài QG.10.38, Nghiên cứu và phát triển mô hình và giải pháp để cài đặt đặt một máy tìm kiếm tiếng Việt, 2010-2011.
6. QG.09.27, Automatical retrieval system of satellite images of Vietnam territory and application, 2009-2011.
7. QG.09.28, Study and develop the process of issuing and controlling Vietnamese electronic passports, 2009-2011
1. A Web content analyzing and filtering system at the national Internet portal in Linux environment: which is capable of analyzing and classifying Web sites with bad content in English, Vietnamese and images (2009)
2. A public key certificate issuing and management system ZCA (2009)
3. A biometric passport authentication system (fingerprint, iris and face matching), 2011.
4. A 360o video system on online maps, 2011.
5. Event monitoring system on websites VnLoc, 2012.
6. The system for retrieving and stitching satellite images from Google and Bing for building maps, 2013.
7. An automatic words translation application with augmented reality ARTranslator, 2013.
8. A fingerprint matching system development kit FingerprintSDK, 2014.
9. A support system for teaching scheduler, 2014.
10. A students’ request management system for UET, 2014.
11. SCADA – An online graphing support toolkit, 2014.
12. A support system for designing and automatic reporting, 2015.
13. A virtual assistant for Vietnamese – VAV, 2015.
14. A group voice chat system on mobile devices and Web based on WebRTC, 2015.